
Dear Parents/Carers

As you may already be aware, the NSW Government has recently announced new directives from Monday 8 November that will have an impact on all NSW Schools. Due to this announcement, NSW Health have stated that the changes that were due to occur on December 1st will now come into effect from the 15th of December, at which time students will be enjoying their Christmas holiday break. 

As a result of these directives, NSW schools are currently required to adhere to the following changes, commencing Monday November 8:

1. Any adults over the age of 16 (excluding students) must be fully vaccinated or provide a valid medical contraindication (with appropriate risk assessment undertaken) to be allowed on school sites. 

Please note: All visitors (including parents/carers and volunteers) must access the College via the Front Office to show evidence of their vaccination status if they are visiting the school site for a particular reason such as an organised meeting with a teacher or provider. 

2. Kindergarten and Year 7 Orientations can occur as long as they are designed to minimise mingling between cohorts.

3. Music classes, dancing, bands and ensembles can occur except for wood wind instruments. There will be further updated advice on this soon.

Restrictions that remained unchanged:

1. The current Public Health Order PHO requires all school staff to be double vaccinated or hold a valid medical contraindication certificate (with appropriate risk assessment undertaken) to be onsite from Monday November 8.

2. Masks, the QR code sign in and hygiene procedures will still be in place. Masks do not need to be worn outside but must still be worn inside by Secondary students and staff. Masks are still recommended for Primary students.

3. Current Drop off and Pick up procedures remain in place:

  • Parents/carers of Trindy students are now required to drop off their child at the front gate. Trindy staff will be waiting at the gate during drop off and pick up times to escort children to and from Trindy. 
  • Parents/carers must drop off their child/ren at the allocated drop zones or say goodbye from the front gate. For afternoon pickups, please use the 6 Bay Drop Zone located outside the Secondary build or collect your child/ren from the front gate.

4. Student activity continues to occur in cohorts to minimise the impact on the school of any positive COVID case.

As always, thank you for your patience and flexibility as we adapt to these ongoing changes. We ask all families to stay informed of the latest health advice and to be proactive in protecting ourselves and the greater community against the risk of illness. 

Yours faithfully,

Lisa Roach
Acting Principal

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